Heatstroke and Its Symptoms
Warmer weather means it’s essential to take precautions from getting sick. While it’s normal to think of sickness in the form of a virus and bacterial infection, it is possible to come down with unrelated conditions. For example, higher temperatures cause dehydration, leading to heat stress, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke. Out of the three, heatstroke is the most severe, and it’s essential to pay attention to its signs and symptoms. But most importantly, how do [...]
When to Seek Care for Swimmer’s Ear: A Guide
Swimmer's ear is often a painful infection of the inner ear canal caused by a moist environment producing bacteria. It can make the ear feel uncomfortable, itchy, swollen and inflamed until treatment is administered. But what exactly is swimmer's ear, and most importantly, how can it be treated? Symptoms of swimmer's ear Swimmer's ear is common in children and people who spend a lot of time in the water. It usually starts with itching, [...]
Head Injury Symptoms
A head injury can be life-threatening and cause painful long-term issues if not treated quickly. This is why it is important to be able to identify a severe head injury right away. Serious head injuries share some common symptoms that you can look out for, but it’s also essential to know how head injuries can occur. How do head injuries occur? A head or traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur when the head takes a collision, is pierced by [...]
How Do You Treat Broken Bones?
Fractures, or broken bones, are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. Bones aren’t as tough as you may think. Approximately 6.3 million fractures occur each year, and each fracture is different. The severity of bone breaks depends on the causing force of the break, the patient's overall health (including age, underlying health problems, physical activity and diet) and the location and alignment of the bone fractures. The most common types of broken bone treatments include cast immobilization, functional cast or brace, traction, [...]
How to Take Care of Your Sutures and Stitches
Stitching and sutures have been in medical practice for centuries, as seen in ancient Egyptian empires. Today, sutures are made of various materials ranging from silk to nylon or sterling silver. The type of stitching holds the suture, or material used to close the wound, in place. Threads are woven on either side of an open wound resulting from an injury or surgery and aid the healing process by artificially closing the skin. The type of stitch you [...]
Chest Pains Could Be a Warning That a Heart Attack Is Happening
Dull aches and sharp chest pains could be more than just minor discomforts. They could be the first, and possibly only warnings you have that heart attack or something equally serious is wrong. Chest pains send millions of patients to emergency departments each year. National Center for Health Statistics – part of the famed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – reported there were 6.5 million visits for chest pains and related causes from late December 2016 to late December 2017 – and [...]