Flu | Cold | Sore Throat
Having Symptoms of the Flu?

At PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care, we can give you treatment for the flu, helping you feel better as soon as possible. Our location is staffed 24/7 with experienced providers to identify, treat and decrease your flu symptoms.
Signs and Symptoms of Flu:
What is Influenza?
Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a viral infection that causes symptoms in the nose, throat and chest. It is very easy to catch this virus. It can spread through the fluids created when coughing and sneezing. Although the flu can be similar to a common cold, flu is caused by a different group of viruses and can lead to symptoms that are usually severe, appear suddenly, as well as last for a week or two. Without treatment, influenza may lead to other conditions that could cause death, such as pneumonia and swelling of the brain or heart. People who are at a higher risk of getting a more severe case of the flu may include:
Cause of Influenza
The flu virus can be passed from one person to another by droplets in the air when an infected person sneezes, coughs or talks. One can either breathe the virus in directly or pick it up from objects like keyboards, telephones, doorknobs, etc. – or by shaking hands with someone who has the flu. The virus can spread a day before the symptoms appear in a person, and up to a week after getting infected.
Influenza viruses are always changing their surface structure, and this makes a person more likely to get the infection during their life. For instance, if you have had flu the before, the body develops antibodies to fight against the viruses. However, as the virus changes, your body may no longer see it as a problem until symptoms begin to appear.
The Common Cold
Why do they call it the common cold? It is because so many people catch it. Why isn’t there a cure yet? Mainly because what you know as the cold is caused by a large group of viruses and we do not have many cures for viral illnesses. The good news is that your body can effectively cure itself within a week or so. However, just because you get a cold once doesn’t protect you against getting it again several times in your life.
Anyone can catch a cold from tiny droplets in the air after someone coughs, sneezes, talks, or by touching objects like toys, phones, towels, and utensils with the virus on it. If you touch an object that has the virus on it, and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, you are likely to catch a cold.
The first signs of a cold are usually a sore throat and runny nose. Other symptoms include:
Colds can develop one to three days after you are exposed to the virus. They can last from 5 to 10 days. If you smoke, symptoms often last longer. If you do not improve after 10 days, seek additional care from your primary healthcare provider.
When to See a Physician
An adult with a cold should see a primary healthcare provider or visit an urgent care facility if:
A child with a cold should see a primary healthcare provider or visit an urgent care facility if:
Who is at Risk of Catching a Cold?
Anyone can catch a cold, but certain factors make it more likely.
Complications from a Cold
For some, a cold can result in:
Other infections can occur while children are sick with a cold, including strep throat, pneumonia, croup, or bronchitis. If this occurs, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Prevent the spread of the cold and other illnesses:
Sore Throat
A sore throat can be caused by throat irritation, a virus, or a bacterial infection. All of them are painful, but it helps to know which one you are dealing with.
If you visit a healthcare provider for your sore throat, the provider will:
Sore Throat Due to Virus
A virus is the most common cause of a sore throat. Often, a viral sore throat appears with a runny nose, cough, red or watery eyes, and sneezing.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for viral sore throats (or the common cold), but you can make it less painful.
Since your sore throat is probably due to a cold, you also need to drink plenty of fluids, rest, and eat a healthy diet. Some cold medications work better if you drink plenty of water. This will help you feel better, too.
Sore Throat Due to Bacteria
One of the most common bacterial causes of a sore throat is due to the Streptococcus bacteria, also referred to as “strep throat”. Strep throat spreads through contact with an infected person’s nasal secretions or saliva. Strep throat is more common in children ages five to fifteen, but adults can catch it as well.
You might suspect strep if you have these symptoms:
Strep throat is diagnosed by taking a swab of the back of your throat. This is used for a rapid strep test performed right in the office. Sometimes a physician can diagnose strep throat just from your symptoms, especially when the throat is bright red and covered in white spots. The lymph nodes in your neck may also be swollen. Often a fever is present while a cough is not.
Sometimes the throat swab will be sent to a laboratory to do a culture if the rapid strep test is negative, but your doctor still thinks you have a bacterial infection.
Without treatment, strep throat can develop into rheumatic fever. This could harm the valves of your heart. If you think you have strep throat, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Properly treated with the right antibiotics, your sore throat is usually cured within 10 days.
Always finish your antibiotics, even if you begin to feel better. If your sore throat does not seem to be going away, call your healthcare provider immediately, but do not stop your medication unless your physician tells you to.
Your tonsils are in charge of fighting infection, but sometimes they get infected, too. The infection can be viral or bacterial. The tonsils become swollen, and you may have other symptoms.
Treatment for tonsillitis is the same as with any other sore throat. Only bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Otherwise rest, fluids, and sucking on ice or something cold usually help.
Other Causes of Sore Throat
Sometimes your throat gets sore for other reasons.